Admin Staff
The following staff help keep Alpha running smoothly behind the scenes:

Rachel Halpern writes children’s books by day and sci-fi/fantasy by night. Her short fiction has appeared in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Daily Science Fiction, and Liminal Stories, and she’s a graduate of the Alpha Workshop and Stonecoast MFA. She likes strange magic, smart monsters, and robots searching for self-determination. Also milkshakes. Milkshakes are pretty great.

Lara Elena Donnelly is the author of the vintage-glam spy thriller trilogy The Amberlough Dossier, as well as short fiction and poetry appearing in venues including Uncanny, Nightmare, Strange Horizons, and Escape Pod. Lara is a graduate of the Alpha and Clarion workshops, and has taught at the Catapult Workshops and the MFA program at Sarah Lawrence College.

Patrick J. Ropp is an alumnus of the Clarion UCSD workshop, has a Master of Science in computational biology from Carnegie Mellon University, and works as a cybersecurity engineer in Pittsburgh. He likes cactuses, cats, and the things dredged up from the lightless depths.

Tiera DiGiorgio is a graduate of Alpha (2012/2013) and the VONA workshop (2015/2016). She studied German and Spanish at the University of Georgia, and received a Master’s degree in Higher Education from Old Dominion University. She writes primarily fantasy, and her work has appeared in Strange Horizons.

AJ Lucy is a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania, where she studies the eggs of tiny fish. Someday she hopes to teach scientific researchers to write up their findings in a way that is pleasant to read. Her fiction can be found in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Daily Science Fiction, and Strange Horizons.

Malina Suity is a graduate of Alpha (‘05/’06) and an administrative coordinator working and living in various hills north of Pittsburgh. She graduated from Ohio Wesleyan University with a dual B.A. in English and Medieval Studies, and received a Master’s degree in Public History from the University of West Florida. She writes short speculative fiction and plots unwieldy fantasy novels. |

Sarah Hollowell is an Alpha graduate who now writes young adult books. Her Locus-nominated debut YA novel, A Dark and Starless Forest, is available now. Her second book, What Stalks Among Us, is coming in 2023. Outside of writing, she spends a lot of time with her cats/goblins.

Fiona Caffin has no claim to any writing talent of her own. She is the proud Mom of Molly Herbert who attended Alpha in 2013 & 2015 and writes constantly. Fiona works in web design and management. |